January 24, 2021

We’re seeing a lot of this now. What we need to do is to stand strong in our walks with Jesus and pray for those who don’t know Him.

I’m praying for you!

January 19, 2021

Renee from Doorkeeper shares fives Bible verses for when ...

I am feeling a little overwhelmed this morning and knew that my hope and peace comes from Jesus.  I am going to praise and pray over these verses!  Be blessed!

January 18, 2021

I heard this song the other day and it hit me hard!  How many times have I said I was “fine” when I wasn’t or even “Ok” when I was not ok.  I am so thankful that the love Jesus has for me won’t change when I am open and tell the truth when I am hurting or even really do not want to share.  When we are broken and hurting, Jesus is there!

January 17, 2021

God can heal the brokenhearted & binds up their wounds!

Yesterday Matthew and I celebrated our 28th wedding anniversary and we reflected on how Jesus had indeed healed our marriage and strengthened it.  We’re so thankful that Jesus loves us and you too, and He heals out hurting and broken hearts!